vegetable oils

Suitable for frying, cooking and salads

Properties of corn germ oil

  • Heat resistant (high oxidative stability)
  • Contains large amounts of vitamin E and antioxidants and substances that reduce cholesterol absorption
  • Lower blood cholesterol
  • An excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin E.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Treatment of eczema and skin
  • diseases Reduce heart disease and blood pressure
Corn germ oil
The war on cancer

Corn germ oil

Corn germ oil has the highest amount of tocopherols (vitamin E, antioxidants and anti-cancer) and the highest amount of phytosterols (anti-cancer and cardiovascular diseases) among all common edible oils. High levels of gamma-tocopherol play a role in protecting against DNA damage, high blood pressure, platelet aggregation and diabetes. Corn oil has excellent oxidation resistance due to its abundance of natural antioxidants, the presence of fatty acids in its triglycerides, the presence of ferulic acids and the absence of chlorophyll. Therefore, due to the high smoke point of corn oil (230 degrees), this oil is one of the most resistant edible oils against heat (oxidation). Heat oxidation causes carcinogenic compounds in the oil and causes serious problems and problems in human health.

Also, nutritionally, not only does this oil not contain cholesterol, but due to its high content of beneficial phytosterols, corn oil, when consumed with foods containing harmful cholesterol, prevents the body from absorbing bad cholesterol. Many clinical studies have shown a link between corn oil consumption and lowering serum cholesterol. On the other hand, due to the high antioxidant content and especially the high levels of beta-sitosterols in corn oil, consumption of this oil prevents the growth of cancer, especially breast, prostate and colon cancers. Also, this oil is absorbed much less into food than other edible oils, and another reason for the popularity of corn oil is its good and pleasant taste.

Pear oil is supplied in opaque packaging, to preserve the maximum nature and special properties of corn germ until the final moment of oil consumption. Because light, heat, chemicals and air cause oxidation and undesirable chemical changes in the oil.
